Huntington native, Chris Miller has spent a lifetime putting West Virginia first.

Meet the candidate Chris Miller For Governor
Born and raised in Huntington, businessman Chris Miller learned the importance of hard work, discipline, and responsibility from an early age.
When he was 10, Chris asked his father for a pair of Air Jordan shoes. “If you want it, you gotta work for it,” his dad replied. So, Chris went out and got a paper route that he worked every morning for over two years. And he’s been working ever since.
After delivering newspapers and working his family’s Cabell County bison farm during his teenage years, Miller got his start in the auto business detailing cars. He worked his way up through the ranks and eventually took over his own dealership at the height of the financial crisis in 2008. Chris transformed the business from hemorrhaging money into one of the most successful dealerships in the country.
Now as owner of one of the most successful auto dealership groups in the state, Miller and his family employ more than 600 people under 26 different enterprises that include not only the automotive space, but real estate, insurance/reinsurance, and energy.
Miller knows that the problems our state faces today aren’t made for politicians to solve – they’re made for a businessman to solve. And he’s ready to break up the good old boy network that runs West Virginia.
“For years, I’ve watched our state never reach its full potential, and I’m sick and tired of it. They've taken our coal and our gas, and we don't have anything to show for it,” said Miller. “Our state is a gold mine, and if we play our cards right, we are on the verge of greatness. I’ll be the greatest promoter West Virginia’s ever had.”
Now Miller is ready to use his business experience to create a government that treats its citizens like customers. He believes in getting the government out of the way and supporting West Virginia families and businesses. Miller will fight to bring transparency to Charleston, protect our kids from the radical transgender agenda, and defend our 2nd Amendment rights.
From Biden’s record inflation to the fentanyl pouring across our border to the defunding of our police, Chris knows that liberal politicians are failing West Virginia families.
“We mined the coal that built this country, and among our hills are honest, hard-working people and tons and tons of natural resources. We have what people want: high quality of life, natural beauty, and a lower cost of living. But too many folks are worried their children or grandchildren will leave our home state, or they’ve watched them leave already. It’s time to rebuild a West Virginia where our sons and daughters will want to stay and create an economy that brings those who left back.”
Chris lives in his hometown of Huntington with his wife Cassie, their three children, and two puppies.
Together We Can Drive West Virginia Forward

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